The Deer & The Wire

Leviathan, the great chaos-evil, is being leveraged by American Christian Nationalists to provoke fear, anxiety and rage in order to grow their power.

This seductive force promises to meet our greatest needs of safety, belonging, and purpose, and many of those seeking these things believe they have found them in Leviathan.

But Leviathan always fails to deliver on its promises. It can only provide a pale facsimile of what can only be found in Jesus, true security, belonging, and purpose.

So, what are we to do with the multitude caught in Leviathan’s seductive grasp?

How can we best approach them?

Ministers of Reconciliation

Leviathan calls its followers to be warriors.

The Lamb calls his followers to be ministers of reconciliation.

Warriors seek to win the war by dominating and defeating ‘the bad guys.’ Ministers seek to win the hearts of their mission field through service, love, and restoration.

Restoration… that is the goal. We work towards the gentle restoration (not defeat or destruction) of those caught in Leviathan’s grasp.

But this work…


it is not easy.

The Deer and The Wire

Once while trekking the forests of Northern Arizona, I discovered the carcass of a deer that had become entangled in some unbound barbed wire.

The deer had clearly struggled against the wire, yet it appeared that the further it wrestled, the more it became entangled, eventually dying, ensnared in this trap with no one to help.

I sometimes wonder what I would have done had I discovered this ensnared creature alive. What would I do to free them from this fatal trap?

First, I imagine, I’d need to earn the animal’s trust, approaching it gently, calmly, not reacting to its violent reactions at my presence. I’d strive to bring a peace-filled, non-anxious presence and invite the deer to join me in the calm.

Second, I’d need to make sure my heart and mind were prepared to enter this perilous work. I may be wounded in the process of trying to free the captive. I need to prepare myself for the journey ahead. The degree to which the deer is tangled up in the wire will determine the time, energy and patience this will require…. I might be here a while.

Third, I’d need the right tools. In this case, something like wire cutters may be in order. Without the proper tools, I’d likely just create more frustration, or worse, harm.

Fourth, I’d need to use the tools correctly. This animal, full of anxiety and rage, likely perceiving me as a threat, will be further damaged if I misapply the tools. Not wanting to wound the one I wish to free, I would need to practice using the tools to make sure I can apply them with a deft hand.

Finally, I’d need to provide care after it is free. Being removed from the wire is a good starting point, but certainly not the end. I will need to find others in my community who can apply healing and care to this animal. The longer the captivity, the deeper the wounds, the greater the need for care.

I am often reminded of this story as I consider engaging with those that I love that are ensnared in Leviathan’s grasp.

In fact, it illustrates a guiding scripture for this project, Galatians 6:1-2, which reads:

Brothers and sisters, if someone is overtaken in any wrongdoing, you who are spiritual, restore such a person with a gentle spirit, watching out for yourselves so that you also won’t be tempted. Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Those in Leviathans grasp are being fed a steady diet of fear, anxiety and rage by various groups, organizations or leaders.

Like the deer in the wire, they are ensnared, overtaken by evil.

Faithful to Deliver, Faithful to Restore

As ministers of reconciliation, our aim is not to defeat or destroy them, nor is it to defeat or destroy Leviathan (only the Lamb can do that), our aim is to restore our brothers and sisters with a gentle spirit, watching out for our own souls so that we would not be tempted to arrogance, pride, apathy or rage.

How do we do that?

By the power of the Spirit which produces in us

love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Galatians 5:22-23

This same Spirit guides us to love in a way that

is patient and kind,

is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.

does not demand its own way,

is not irritable,

does not keep a record of being wronged.

does not rejoice about injustice but, rejoices whenever the truth wins out.

A love that never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

As we follow Jesus, love like Jesus, empowered by his Spirit, we can reach out to and strive to bring restoration to in Leviathan’s grasp knowing that Jesus is faithful to deliver, and faithful to restore.

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