For Ministry Leaders
The Clergy Guide to Disarming Leviathan is a ministry training program designed to equip church leaders with the tools to engage Christian Nationalist congregants and community members with love, wisdom, and biblical truth. While many resources critique Christian Nationalism, few provide practical guidance for shepherding those caught in its grip.
This program fills that gap, offering relationally oriented strategies to see Christian Nationalists not as enemies to fight but as a mission field to reach.
This program includes on-demand video sessions, a comprehensive workbook, and copies of Disarming Leviathan: Loving Your Christian Nationalist Neighbor.
Rooted in the successes and struggles of real ministry leaders, it provides a clear, compassionate pathway to meaningful engagement.

Training Overview
This guide has six core sessions, each containing practical coaching and resources geared towards those serving in local church ministry.
Journeying through this guide as a community can happen over one full day together or six weeks. We recommend that each ministry team appoint a leader as the prime facilitator for the journey ahead.
Each session will contain the following elements: on-demand video explainers, a written summary, questions for dialogue and reflection, a team workshop prompt, and practical next steps.